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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Antara ASSALAMUALAIKUM, A'kum, dan As-salam

Assalamualaikum semua! I ingat tak nak update blog for the whole 1 month starting 20th November sebab nak kasi u ols sume concentrate kat wish list for my birthday kan....hehehe...tapi when I read this, I feel guilty of not sharing this with you guys. This topic is very common in our life especially when writing message. Tak nak tersalah konsep, silalah baca entry kali ini^_^

*credit to Nurul Iman from Facebook

Maka berpalinglah (hai Muhammad) dari mereka dan katakanlah:"Salam (selamat tinggal)".

Kelak mereka akan mengetahui (nasib mereka yangburuk). (QS. 43:89)



Ilmu utk dikongsi bersama. Sekadar peringatan untuk semua rakan-rakan muslim yang lain.

Pagi semalam saya dengar radio ikim (91.50 fm). Ustaz Zawawi ada cerita tentang sunnah Rasulallah s.a.w. Antara yang dibincangkannya ialah tentang bab cara memberi salam.

Menurut ustaz Zawawi Yusof, Baginda SAW memberi salam dengan lafaz “Assalamualaikum” dan menjawab salam dari para sahabat baginda dengan salam yang lengkap iaitu “Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahhi wabarakatuh

Ringkasnya, baginda SAW akan ;Beri salam dengan ucapan - “Assalamualaikum”

dan…Jawab salam - “Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahi wabarakatuh”

Lagi satu, perlu diingatkan juga semasa menjawab salam,

saya dengar ramai orang jawab salam dengan ucapan yang tidak tepat.

Jawab salam yang betul ialah ;

WAALAI KUMUS SALAM”dan bukannya yang selalu saya dengar iaitu ;


Apabila kita ingin berkirim salam pada orang lain, hendaklah kita berkata

Kirim salam, assalamualaikum pada ZIZAH ye” contoh lerr…

Dan bukannya : “Kirim salam kat ZIZAH yer

Dan jangan pula memandai-mandai tambah perkataan seperti ” Ko tolong kirim salam maut kat dia yer“.

Statement ini walaupun dalam nada bergurau, tapi ia adalah menyalahi syariat dan berdosa, walaupun sekadar gurauan!

Selain itu, janganlah kita menggantikan perkataan “Assalamualaikum” dengan “A’kum” dalam sms atau apa sekalipun melalui tulisan.

Jika perkataan “Assalamualaikum” itu panjang, maka hendaklah kita ganti dengan perkataan “As Salam” yang membawa maksud sama dengan “Assalamualaikum”.

Sesama lah kita memberitahu member-member yang selalu sangat guna shortform “A’kum” dalam sms ataupun email. Perkataan ‘AKUM‘ adalah gelaran untuk orang-orang Yahudi untuk orang-orang bukan yahudi yang bermaksud ‘BINATANG‘ dalam Bahasa Ibrani.

Ia singkatan daripada perkataan ‘Avde Kokhavim U Mazzalot’ yang bermaksud ‘HAMBA-HAMBA BINATANG DAN ORANG-ORANG SESAT‘.

Jadi, mulai sekarang jika ada orang hantar shortform “A’kum“, kita ingatkan dia guna “As Salam” kerana salam ialah dari perkataan “Assalamualaikum“.

Jangan guna “Bye” kerana“Bye” adalah jarum sulit Kristian yang bermaksud “Di Bawah Naungan Pope.”Jangan guna “A’kum” kerana“A’kum” bermaksud “Binatang” dalam bahasa Yahudi.Jangan guna “Semekom” kerana“Semekom”bermaksud “Celaka Kamu.”Gunakan perkataan“Salam” sebagai singkatan bagi“Assalammualaikum.” Tolong forward kepada umat Islam yang lain , untuk elakkan diri daripada membuat dosa..


Sekian, semoga ada manfaatnya.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Birthday Wishlist: Special 1 month entry

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone!!
Today is 20th November 2010! Approximately 1 month from now is a very special day for me. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY ON 20th DECEMBER 2010!!^_^
So below is my wishlist for this year. You guys have 1 month to get these things for me! Hahahahaha....divided into two categories: 1. hadiah angan-angan,
2. hadiah betul-betul nak...^_^

1. Hadiah angan-angan (I know takkan dapat for this birthday, tapi willing to get these someday^_^)

1st is Honda Jazz warna biru macam ni la!! Hahahaha...sangat suke dengan kereta ni. I love the design and the compact style. I don't really like to drive those biggie car. This is just nice. I wish I will get this for my birthday...~~~

2nd is ipod touch 5! Sangat cool kalau dapat satu. Hehehehe...tapi yang ni berniat nak beli sendiri nanti. Nantilah...~~

3rd is SAMSUNG WAVE. It's quite funny when I actually afford to buy this phone last time but I end up buying CORBY. Skarang baru nak regret kan beli Corby??? Sape suruh?? Dulu apsal tak beli awal-awal??-___-"

2. Hadiah betul-betul nak (berharap dapat masa birthday tahun ni. Or cadangan kalau ade orang nak belikan hadiah untuk I ke....Mane la tau...kalau adelah kan..~~~)

THIS IS DAMIER GEANT CANVAS LOUIS VUITTON ZIPPED LONG WALLET I'VE BEEN CRAVING SINCE FOREVER!! Hahahahaha....I don't know why, but I just love the design. Even harga dye masya ALLAH kan? Tapi aku peduli hape?? Skarang tengah mengecek my mom untuk belikan bende alah ni. I hope it will be wrap nicely and is given to me during my birthday....Anyone???

Calvin Klein unisex flash series watch. I actulally love the rare style. I like to look different from others. I mean I want to own something that was not own by somebody. Ala-ala macam trendsetter gitu la. This is unique and exquisite.

Next, SHOES and moreeeee SHOES!! The photo shown above is from ALDO. One of my dream shoes. Tapi tak sempat beli lagi. Ape kate sesape belikan la for me bleh? Hahahaha...skarang tengah gile design camni. I tataw kenapa I suke hi-cut. Dulu sangat into loafers. Sekarang cita rasa sudah berubah mengikut trend semasa^_^
Fyi, my size is 10uk, 9us, 28japan, 45british ok? hehehehe

Then, BAGS nad moreeee BAGS!! Tak kisahla from what brands, and what design kalau orang memberi I terima kasih je. Hahahahaha....this one is carry on duffel from GUCCI! Takde la I expect GUCCI from u olz kan? Hahaha...ikut suka la. I suka sling bag, carry on, tote and please keep away all types of beg galas to me...hehehe=P

Bvlgari miniature set perfume! I WILL BE VERY MUCH EXCITED IF I GET THIS! I memang pakai Bvlgari aqva, tapi besar sangat. Nak bawak pegi mane-mane susah. Dah banyak kali nak beli, dah banyak tempat I cari, jumpe jugak kat KLIA with the price RM150 ONLY!! Tapi aritu dah ade mase dan peluang...duit plak takde...hahaha=P

Last but not list, is ALL SUPER JUNIOR MERCHANDISES! I will proudly accept this set kat atas ni!! Hahahaha...kalau tak pun any other Super Junior souvenirs la. Yang penting ade donghae, ade siwon...hehehe^_^

Finally, I actually accept any kind of gifts. Yang takde dalam list pun takpe. Dah orang bagi takkan nak banyak songeh kan? Hahahaha.....lain-lain barang macam snow cap, fedora, scarf, gelang I terima je. But, please jangan beli baju or seluar sebab memang susah nak carik my size...hehehe..anyways, thanks kepada yang dah berniat nak beli hadiah kat I.

additional: Doa dan ucapan itu lebih penting sebenarnya^_^
(tapi hadiah tetap hadiah....hehehe)

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Correct Perfume

Assalamualaikum, hi everyone!!

How are you guys doing? I 'm fine today and thank you for all of your pray for me^_^
Actually this entry is randomly done. As I was laying in front of the television, my brother suddenly came with a strong aroma. I mean his perfume is so strong!! I think he wore them excessively...-___-" (tengah2 hari bute ko pakai kuat2 nak tackle sape dowh??)

Then I said to him, "hey, your perfume blocked my nose! what brand is it??" then he answered, "it's adidas...why? is it too strong?" i answered, "hell yeah!! It's the afternoon, yet you wear such an aroma. It's really disturbing"

What I'm trying to say here is we have to know our perfume. What's suit us and what's not. Believe me, the correct perfume can make your day just nice. Know your occasion well, and do not spray excessively. I mean you wear fresh and active sense for outdoor activities and save the masculine essence for your night party. You don't want to go to class with your pheromones spreading away in the air right? So, better spray your perfume on these area of your body:

1. Your chest (bile cuaca panas, haba kat dada boleh naikkan bau perfume...)
2. Back of your neck. (same la mcm kat dada tu)
3. Back of your hands. (tapi jangan spray kat belah kanan, pastu gosok kat sebelah kiri. Spray dua2)
4. Your wrist. (situ ade nadi. Dye boleh make sure perfume keluarkan bau konsisten.)

But, you don't have to spray all over these parts. Choose 3 spots which suits your taste. Sometimes you can't smell the fragrance but people surrounds you can smell it. If you put the perfume excessively, it will be a nuisance for the people around you. A gentle reminder: DO NOT SPRAY YOUR PERFUME ONTO YOU CLOTHES!!! The fabric will defected and the smell will not permanent. Membazir je nanti. Rugi je beli mahal-mahal.....~~

No matter what kind of perfume or what brands are they, wear them correctly so that it can be a good aid to increase your confidence. I suggest to have more than one perfume for different occasions. The most important thing is it must suits to your personality. Currently, I'm wearing these two perfumes. One for casual going, the other one is for certain occasions.This one is for certain occasions. The smell is quite soft and decent. Sweet and masculine as well.

I use this one to class, shopping, and for casual activities. It has a very masculine sense, but it's not too thick. It's fresh and wild... I like it so much! Hehehehe^_^

Sunday, November 14, 2010

David Archuleta is an 'apple' or a 'cherry' whatever!! The fact is he's awesome!!^_^

I mean his talent,his voice and his stage presence is always brilliant!!
Plus his extremely superb value..he is cutely created as a human being...hahahaha
Enjoy the video, this is one of my favourite performances of him^_^
Love you David Archuleta!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Final Exam la u ols!!


Ni cheq nak habaq mai ni, la ni dok busy memanjang, study je 24/7! Tu la kisah dye ni sebab final exam dah mai la! Bukan la nak kata cheq tak study kalau tak exam, tapi semangat dya lebih sket mencurah-curah dekat musim exam ni. Jangan dok kata budak nak ambik SPM je dok kalut nak study dok belek-belek buku....Ni budak dah lepas SPM pun berperang sama ni.....Lagi parah rase....-__-"

Tuka bahasa sat far I've done with two papers which were TITAS and Councelling. I've got nothing to worry about my TITAS coz I'm really very extra sure I will got A for that subject. very the bajet.....but seriously, I have confidence with my answers. Not for Councelling I think I need to worry about it. My answers were rubbish! Hahahaha...tulis je panjang berjela, tapi entah hape aku tulis. Gibberish!! I hope my carry marks can covers up my final paper.....alahai...~~~

3 more papers to go and I hope I can do my best for the rest of them. Right now, while I'm composing this post I am currently studying my Hdoe....ya ALLAH subjek sejarah tak pernah membahagiakan aku....*___*
Linguistic paper is coming up next after Hdoe and Literature will closed the final exam siries...hehehehe...then balik umah, kite enjoy, shopping, masak, makan, bace majalah entah ape-ape and buang mase banyak-banyak ye?? ^_^

I was hoping the best for my final. Harap-harap dapat la DL(tu la cite-cite dye), tapi actullly if I can score over 3 pointer it is already good for me...ape-ape pun tetap mengharapkan yang terbaik! Hazziq, fighting!! Pray for my success and wish me luck! Adios amigos!!